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2001年、十代のころより地元である湘南・横浜でDJ活動をスタートし、2006年に単身ニューヨークへと渡る。ブルックリンを拠点にマンハッタンやハーレムでもDJ活動を行い、現地のヴァイブスを会得してマイクを握りながらプレイする姿は「ブルックリンに愛された日本人DJ」、「ASIAN SENSATION」とも呼ばれるほどで、HOT97やPOWER105.1といった現地の名門ヒップホップ・ラジオ局のDJらとの共演も多く経験。ニューヨーク滞在中には、日本人として初めてMTVの人気番組「My Super Sweet 16」に出演も果たし、ゲストDJとしてアトランタに招かれたことも。


日本に帰国後は、現地に滞在していた経験を活かしてニューヨークからDJ FIRSTCHOICE(POWER105.1)を招いて日本ツアーを慣行。また日本屈指のアパレル・ブランドであるLAFAYETTEのサポートのもと、ゲストDJとして香港、韓国にも招かれており、初めて訪れる地であるにも関わらず2時間以上のロングセット・プレイを披露し、地元のオーディエンスからも絶大なる支持を得て帰国した。現在も定期的にニューヨークでDJプレイを行っており、2014年にはPOWER105.1にトーク・ゲストとして出演した。2016年に横浜赤レンガ倉庫で行われた「ONE LIVE with ネスカフェ アンバサダー」では、90年代から世界的な活躍を続けるR&Bグループ、TLCのライヴDJに抜擢され、15,000名以上のオーディエンスの前に立ち、K.DA.Bのワールドワイドなセンスを証明するきっかけにもなった。




幅広い知識と経験に基づいたパワフルなDJスタイルを得意とするDJ K.DA.Bの存在は、日本では非常に稀有なもの。往来の日本人DJにはない圧倒的な説得力を持つ彼のプレイ、是非とも現場で体感してほしい。

In 2001, K.DA.B started his career as a DJ in his hometown Shonan and Yokohama city where a local neighborhood famous for wild block party. And 2006, he moved to New York by himself. He has mostly DJed in Brooklyn and Manhattan but everywhere in the City. Acquiring the local Vibes his DJ style with grabbing microphone is well recognized, and so other DJs started call him "Japanese DJ loved by Brooklyn", "ASIAN SENSATION”. New York raised him  as a Club DJ, gain much experience thru working with DJs of local represent and world famous Hip Hop radio stations.During his stay in New York, he was the first Japanese DJ to appear on MTV's popular show "My Super Sweet 16", and invited to Atlanta as a guest DJ. 


Since returning to Japan in 2011, been touring Japan, and inviting DJ FIRST CHOICE (POWER 105.1) from New York by taking advantage of the experience of staying locally. In addition, under the support of Laffayette, one of the leading domestic apparel brands in Japan, he has also been invited to Hong Kong and Korea as a guest DJ, performed long set play of more than two hours despite being the first place to visit, and got back from the audience with huge support. Currently, he regularly visiting in New York and Doing out there. In 2014, he also appeared as a talk guest in Power 105.1. 


At ONE LIVE with Nescafe Ambassador, held at the Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse in 2016, he was appointed to the legendary R&B Group, TLC's Live DJ, stands in front of more than 15,000 audiences, it became an opportunity to prove the world-wide sense of K.DA.B. Currently he is a resident DJ of parties in Tokyo and still touring many places in Japan. The Internet media "Bside News" that he conveys fresh news of US Hip Hop scenes with its own ways is very recognized.


Also he is a News Writer for biggest Japanese internet radio station “Blockfm” since 2018. And 2019, starting his own radio show on Japanese Hip Hop radio station ”WREP”.  From 2021, he signed to be the official sound DJ of the Tokyo Yakult Swallows (Japanese professional baseball team). At the Tokyo Olympics 2020, he also served as an arena DJ at the fencing venue, and was interviewed by British BBC News as a person who supported the Olympics held in the corona disaster. In 2022, he was DJ for Mynavi All-Star Professional Baseball Game. In 2023, he taught at a junior high school as a DJ instructor in the "Project to Make Children Smile" by the Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education.


The presence of DJ K.DA.B that specializes in powerful DJ style that is based on a wide range of knowledge and experience, a very rare style in Japan. His play with overwhelming persuasive power not found in Japanese DJs, hope that you will experience it at all on the spot.

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